Special Offers for Deakin University @ ACIC Sydney’s Expo!


Deakin University will be in Sydney to attend ACIC’s Education and Migration Expo on Saturday 2 September!

Apart from the chance to talk to a Deakin representative directly, students applying to Deakin University on the day will be eligible for the special offers as follows:

  1. On-the-spot assessment for the Deakin International Scholarship (25% reduction of course tuition fee). No need to wait for a scholarship application – get your outcome on the day!
  2. Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI) enrolment fee waived! – $0 enrolment fees if you need to study English at Deakin University!

These special offers are only available for students attending ACIC’s Expo – so register now via the link to attend: http://au.mikecrm.com/eUGt9nT