The University of Melbourne - A new way to study engineering at Melbourne


The Master of Engineering degree is the University of Melbourne’s entry-to-practice engineering qualification. Currently the program has 18 specialisations all tied together under the single degree name of the Master of Engineering.

To reduce the complexity of the degree structure, they have now split the Master of Engineering degree into nine separate degrees. Each program has one or more specialisations that students can choose if they wish or they can just study the core program.

As the core content of the courses remains largely unchanged, they will carry over their full accreditation from Engineers Australia, which includes the Washington Accord, Sydney Accord and Dublin Accord. Accreditation with EUR-ACE for all courses will be sought in 2022 and backdated once granted.

From Start Year 2022 a lot of programs will be available. More details about engineering programs, ask ACIC right now!